Hi there everyone! Been a long time, I know. I'll keep this brief and get you up to speed. I'm finishing up my Master's here at Auburn in marriage and family therapy. What next? Arizona, most likely, to be with family and begin my life as a professional. What follows are a series of photos of the past eight months of my life; just the highlights.


I spent nearly two weeks at home (well, Utah and Arizona) for Thanksgiving for some much-needed R&R. That semester was the worst of my life. It was good to hang out with the fam (including my newly-acquired stepfamily!), enjoying games like the "Corn Bag Toss" as seen above.
Awesome branch Christmas party featured an "Ugly Sweater Contest," a gingerbread house competition, White Elephant gift exchange, and more. It was pretty sweet.
Went home again for Christmas and New Years. The "Originals" got together on December 22 for a dinner, sharing memories of Mom on the anniversary of her passing. It's been two difficult years, but we're making it!

2009 SO FAR...
I'm interning at the juvenile prison, doing rehabilitation for adolescents who have sexually offended, as well as therapy with their families. This was my first professional office! One can only move up.
Stake and regional Young Single Adult activities have been awesome (and usually include late-night runs to Waffle House). This one was bowling.
Took this one on my camera phone. I apologize if it's offensive, but...c'mon, that's funny.
Just down the street from the Stake Center is...this.
Coming back from a singles dance with my friends...yeah, I hit a turkey.
My car, same friends, different story. Prank wars around here sometimes escalate.
Kristy and I just had to get out of Auburn one day, so we drove 20 minutes away and found all sorts of stuff: 1) A gas station selling, literally, white dirt for pregnant women to eat, "for the minerals." As a local told me: "You know how white women eat ice? Black women eat dirt." Offensive? Yes. But, I'm discovering that there's truth to it. We also found creepy abandoned farms, strange animals, and this 1800's-era Church with an outdoor pavalion meetinghouse that had a very unsettling feeling about it. Given the time period it was constructed, in the South, and the undeniably evil feeling we got there, we both had the strong impression that African-Americans were hung there by the Klan.

In March, we had, in a 24-hour period: a hailstorm with a freaky TORNADO rip through the outskirts of the city (two miles from my apartment), a 75-degree paradise in the afternoon, and a 25-degree blizzard leaving four inches of snow.
Yeah, we have an awesome beach three hours away.
We've also been doing a lot of karaoke at this place called Bogey's. My stage name is White Chocolate. We get the place going! Our DJ is this awesome black lady in her 40's named Nelly.

Meh. I know my sisters loved it, so I won't bad mouth it too much here, but the whole thing felt undercooked to me; plus, the inconsistency of Sabretooth being Wolverine's intelligent brother, compared with the radically different conceptualization of the character in the same series, was jarring for me. It opens well (the first 20 minutes got my hopes up), but after that I thought the storyline was a rambling mess. Sorry. The motorcycle chase was cool, though. And if I graded the film on Hugh's torso, it'd be different. My grade: C.

Star Trek is the best movie of the summer so far. While I'm no Trekkie, I was able to appreciate the delicate balance between making an summer-adrenaline movie with an attractive young cast while staying true to spirit of the original series. J.J. Abrhams has, in effect, done for Star Trek what Christopher Nolan did for Batman: get rid of the cheesy elements that made the series a laughing-stock while drawing out the raw power of the core themes and characters. Just like Nolan, Abrams has allowed the nerds to say to the mainstream public: "See? That's why we're so into this!" The story is good and the jokes hit the mark about 80% of the time, but the cast is where it's at. Chris Pine is makes for an entertainingly arrogant Kirk, and Heroes' Zachary Quinto is fine as Spock, but I'm all about the supporting cast, especially Zoe Saldana's impossibly hot Uhura, Karl Urban's (The Lord of the Rings) suprisingly funny take on Bones McCoy, and the pies de resistance, Simon Pegg, underused but awesome, as Scotty. If you've seen Shaun of the Dead and/or Hot Fuzz, you know Simon Pegg is the shiz. The Leonard Nimoy cameo is perfect, the action thrilling. My grade: A

Stunning photography and the thrilling drama of nature. I'm not partial to documentaries, but this was phenomenally entertaining, moving, and yes, testimony-building. See my full review at:


2009 SO FAR...

Lately, we've been playing a lot of Rock Band. I do have a band, named Shredder, made up of my buddies Jake and Thor. No, I'm NOT SWEATING! We played through a tornado warning, and I had ran in the rain/hail to get there, so I was soaked.

Star Trek is the best movie of the summer so far. While I'm no Trekkie, I was able to appreciate the delicate balance between making an summer-adrenaline movie with an attractive young cast while staying true to spirit of the original series. J.J. Abrhams has, in effect, done for Star Trek what Christopher Nolan did for Batman: get rid of the cheesy elements that made the series a laughing-stock while drawing out the raw power of the core themes and characters. Just like Nolan, Abrams has allowed the nerds to say to the mainstream public: "See? That's why we're so into this!" The story is good and the jokes hit the mark about 80% of the time, but the cast is where it's at. Chris Pine is makes for an entertainingly arrogant Kirk, and Heroes' Zachary Quinto is fine as Spock, but I'm all about the supporting cast, especially Zoe Saldana's impossibly hot Uhura, Karl Urban's (The Lord of the Rings) suprisingly funny take on Bones McCoy, and the pies de resistance, Simon Pegg, underused but awesome, as Scotty. If you've seen Shaun of the Dead and/or Hot Fuzz, you know Simon Pegg is the shiz. The Leonard Nimoy cameo is perfect, the action thrilling. My grade: A

Stunning photography and the thrilling drama of nature. I'm not partial to documentaries, but this was phenomenally entertaining, moving, and yes, testimony-building. See my full review at:
http://meridianmagazine.com/arts/090515earth.html. My grade: A-
This is being unfairly maligned by critics. This is at once more thrilling and more involving than The Da Vinci Code was, and Ron Howard's direction is more surefooted and fast-paced here. Visually gorgeous. By streamlining the novel's narrative, the film loses much (but not all) of the science vs. faith dichotomy that gave the book its weight. As it is, the film version of Angels and Demons makes for a very entertaining thriller. Some of the dialogue is poor, you have to suspend disbelief the way you would for a James Bond or Indiana Jones movie, and keep in mind that this is historical fiction (emphasis on fiction). If you can do that, this is a blast. Ewan McGregor rocks. Be warned, it is violent and intense, and pushes that PG-13 boundary. My grade: B+
I don't know how this movie would be for someone who hasn't seen any of the other ones. I think I'd be lost. As a thrill ride, Terminator Salvation delivers, with awesome spectacle and intense action, as well as some nice narrative tie-ins to the original trilogy (I especially liked young Kyle Reese). It effectively captures the post-apocalyptic world hinted at in the original three. That said, I feel that the Director's cut, said to contain 20 minutes of cut material, will do much to flesh out the story and characters and give the film more of the emotional weight that gave James Cameron's first two films such suprising punch. Christian Bale effectively makes an awesome G.I. Joe, but the character of John Conner has such dramatic potential that it's sad to see him so underwritten here. Bale is more than equal to the task as an actor if given the screenplay (forget Batman, if you want to see this man really act, watch his incredibly nuanced performance as the meek and humble rancher of quiet integrity in 3:10 to Yuma). Still, even with the plot holes and lost potential, this is a fun night at the movies. My grade: B.

Hey, Jono! At first I thought you were sweating in that Rock Band picture but then I realized you were sweating backwards! So the rain makes much more sense. It looks like you are having a fun life!
Thanks, Jono!
I'll come back in another 8 months to see your next post!
Hey Jono
Jake and I really like your blog. Can't wait for nerd fest in Atlanta this fall!
Yeah! I am so glad you did a blog post! I get lost on Facebook (which I know you keep pretty up-to-date). Blogging is so much better for me! Great pics White Chocolate. Kristashia looks beautiful like always. Give her a big "hi and hello" from me. Glad that I could see a picture of your "office". I would get claustrophobic. And I am so glad that you lived through the tornado. Can't wait to see you soon! Love ya Spud!
Even a window?!?! Wow you are making it big time Jono! Love the update. great pictures, glad that I could make a post!!!! Yea for almost being done!!
Jono... thanks for sharing! I heart you, hope we get to rekindle our annual tradition and hit Lagoon up some time this summer!
I'm connected to Laura O. and wandered over here, but I want to say thank you for the Taco Bell pic. I needed a good laugh and I got it.
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